Top 10k strings from Biology 'O' Level (1983)(Paxman Promotions)[re-release].tzx
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4 "Proteins" 3 "Platelets" 3 "Mesophyll" 2 "Willow herb" 2 "Vitamins" 2 "Thyroid gland" 2 "Plasmodium" 2 "Pericarp" 2 "Parenchyma" 2 "Pancreas" 2 "Mineral salts" 2 "Epidermis" 2 "Dragonfly" 2 "Cellulose cell wall" 2 "Adrenal bodies" 2 1 Re-Release 1 Paxman re-release of Calisto title 1 Paxman Promotions 1 KTZXed by Andrew Barker 1 For Tony Barnett 1 Educational 1 ;"your score will be put on"; 1 ;"until you press '0' in"; 1 ;"the screen."; 1 ;"student in preparation for O"; 1 ;"reply to a question; when"; 1 ;"presented continuously"; 1 ;"multiple choice questions"; 1 ;"level G.C.E. examinations."; 1 ;"designed to exercise the"; 1 ;"The questions will be"; 1 ;"Biology Test is a set of"; 1 ;"< GOOD LUCK >"; 1 ;" Your score is: ";c;"% "; 1 ;" That is the correct answer. "; 1 ;" Do you want more questions? "; 1 ;" The correct answer was: ";an;" "; 1 ;" That is not correct. "; 1 ;" Enter your answer now. "; 1 ;" Biology Test. "; 1 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 1 (ca/nq*100 1 %Biology 'O' Level (Paxman Promotions) 1 "which of the following fruits is indehiscent?" 1 "stimulus" 1 "sharp tearing teeth" 1 "ridged crushing teeth" 1 "rhizomes" 1 "rhizoids" 1 "response" 1 "receptor" 1 "pointed tearing teeth" 1 "organic matter in soil" 1 "neither A nor B" 1 "living organisms" 1 "large grinding teeth" 1 "inside living organisms" 1 "in the Spleen" 1 "in the Liver" 1 "in the Kidneys" 1 "in the Gall bladder" 1 "in the Blood" 1 "fore brain" 1 "effector" 1 "dead plants" 1 "dead animals" 1 "dark brown" 1 "cutting teeth" 1 "Withdrawl of hand from heat" 1 "Who proposed the theory of aquired characteristics?" 1 "White corpuscles" 1 "White cells" 1 "Which tissue is responsible for the transport of mineral salts and water in a living plant?" 1 "Which structure enables the fly to suck up food?" 1 "Which process is responsible for increasing the number of cells at the tip of a growning root?" 1 "Which part of the eye controls the amount of light entering the eyeball?" 1 "Which part of the brain is responsible for the control and co-ordination of balancing organs and muscles?" 1 "Which organ produces sperm?" 1 "Which of the follwing food substances has the highest calorific value?" 1 "Which of the following vessels is involved in the direct transport of Oxygen from blood to the tissue cells?" 1 "Which of the following terms describes a method of feeding in which simple compounds are absorbed and built up into complex substances?" 1 "Which of the following terms can be applied to the smell of food that starts a dog salivating? It is a;" 1 "Which of the following substances is rich in vitamin D?" 1 "Which of the following substances is not found in the urine?" 1 "Which of the following substances is not a Carbo-hydrate?" 1 "Which of the following structures secrete hormones?" 1 "Which of the following structures is not an example of plant tissue?" 1 "Which of the following seeds only has one Cotyledon?" 1 "Which of the following reagents is used for detecting the presence of protein in a sample of food?" 1 "Which of the following plants does not produce a reproductive structure called a spore?" 1 "Which of the following organisms reproduces by parthogenesis?" 1 "Which of the following organisms does not show any evidence of a sexual phase in it's life history?" 1 "Which of the following is used to form Heamoglobin?" 1 "Which of the following is not present in a root hair cell?" 1 "Which of the following is not found in mammalian blood?" 1 "Which of the following is not an inorganic component of the soil?" 1 "Which of the following is not an example of reflex action?" 1 "Which of the following is an organic fertilizer?" 1 "Which of the following is an Ectoparasite?" 1 "Which of the following insects has a complete metamorphosis during it's life cycle?" 1 "Which of the following hormone producing structures is not solely a ductless gland?" 1 "Which of the following fruits or seeds is not especially adapted for animal dispersal?" 1 "Which of the following foods does not have to be digested before it can be absorbed by the body?" 1 "Which of the following foods contains no source of fats?" 1 "Which of the following food sources is mainly responsible for growth in young people?" 1 "Which of the following events would least likely effect the process of natural selection?" 1 "Which of the following enzymes attacks Peptones?" 1 "Which of the following does not take place when respiration occurs?" 1 "Which of the following does not have a jointed skeleton?" 1 "Which of the following chemicals is not a hormone?" 1 "Which of the following characteristics is not true of siliqua e.g. a wallflower fruit?" 1 "Which of the following cells is not found in the vascular bundles of a herbaceous plant?" 1 "Which of the following body parts secretes a hormone which helps a person react to a dangerous situation?" 1 "Which of the following animals shows internal fertilization of the female egg?" 1 "Which of the following animals does not have an Endo-skeleton?" 1 "Which enzyme requires a highly acid background in which to work?" 1 "Which desease is not carried by the dirty habits of the housefly?" 1 "Which desease is caused by a malfunction of the pancreas?" 1 "Which component of the blood is responsible for transporting Oxygen?" 1 "Which component of the blood is mostly concerned with control of infection?" 1 "Which area of the eye is light sensitive?" 1 "Which animal has the shortest gestation period?" 1 "Which animal does not show any parental care towards it's offspring?" 1 "Where is urea made?" 1 "Where is the food stored in the Daffodil bulb?" 1 "Where is the Mucor commonly found?" 1 "Where does the fertilization of the female egg occur in the rabbit?" 1 "Where are soluble foods carried from and to when they flow in the Hepatic Portal vein?" 1 "When testing a leaf for starch to see if it has carried out photosynthesis why is it necessary to boil it in water for half an hour first?" 1 "What type of response is shown by a seedling stem to unilateral light?" 1 "What type of joint is found between the vertibrae of the backbone?" 1 "What structure will the ovary wall become after fertilization?" 1 "What structure prevents the mixing of the blood of the feotus with that of the mother?" 1 "What part of the mouthparts of a Locust or Cockroach is equivalent to an upper lip?" 1 "What is the process by which sugars are moved around in a flowering plant?" 1 "What is the outer coat of a Euglena called?" 1 "What is the natural life span of the human female egg?" 1 "What is the name of the sting cell which the Hydra uses to capture it's prey?" 1 "What is the name of the layer of Cytoplasm which begins the formation of a pseudopodium in Ameoba?" 1 "What is the name of the apparatus that is used to measure transpiration in a leafy shoot?" 1 "What is the most likely origin of the Carbon atom in a free molecule of starch in the cell of a green plant?" 1 "What is the main organ used by a Whale in order to breath?" 1 "What is the genetic constitution of an F1 generation after crossing a homozygous tall plant with a homozygous dwarf plant?" 1 "What is the correct name of the cell division which is responsible for the production of gametes in the sex organs?" 1 "What fraction of the atmosphere is Oxygen?" 1 "Wallflower" 1 "Wall pressure" 1 "Vegetables" 1 "Vacuolation" 1 "Uterus wall" 1 "Umbilicus" 1 "Umbilical cord" 1 "Turgor pressure" 1 "Trypanasoma" 1 "Trophostat" 1 "Trophoblast" 1 "Transpiration" 1 "Translocation" 1 "Tomatoes" 1 "To sterilize it" 1 "To remove the chlorophyll" 1 "To destroy the enzymes" 1 "To Hydrolyse the starch" 1 "Tissue fluid" 1 "Thyroxin" 1 "The stem" 1 "The process of Guttation or dropping of water from the tips of leaves is thought to be due to which of the following phenomena?" 1 "The presence of which food is being tested when the sample is simply boiled up with Benedict's solution?" 1 "The lack of vitamin C in the diet causes which deficiency desease?" 1 "The guard cells" 1 "The Iris reproduces vegitatively by the development of;" 1 "Testosterone" 1 "Tapeworm" 1 "Symbiotic" 1 "Symbiont" 1 "Sweet pea" 1 "Sweat glands" 1 "Swallowing" 1 "Sunlight is important to avoid abnormal bone formation in people suffering from which vitamin deficiency?" 1 "Sunflower" 1 "Sulphate of Potash" 1 "Sulphate of Ammonia" 1 "Sugar is produced" 1 "Strawberry" 1 "Stomach to Liver" 1 "Stickleback" 1 "Spongy layer" 1 "Spirogyra" 1 "Spiracles" 1 "Sodium Chloride" 1 "So the starch will go black" 1 "Sieve tubes" 1 "Shearing or slicing" 1 "Seminal vesicles" 1 "Semi-parasite" 1 "Semi-mobile" 1 "Seed coat" 1 "Sebaceous glands" 1 "Sea urchin" 1 "Sclerotic" 1 "Schitzocarpic" 1 "Saprophyte" 1 "Saprophitic" 1 "Sand particles" 1 "Salivary glands" 1 "Salivary ducts" 1 "Salivary amylase" 1 "Roundworm" 1 "Rotating of pivot" 1 "Root pressure" 1 "Rheostat" 1 "Reproduction division" 1 "Red corpuscles" 1 "Red cells" 1 "Receptacle" 1 "Prostate gland" 1 "Proboscis" 1 "Predation" 1 "Potometer" 1 "Potatoes" 1 "Potassium" 1 "Positively phototropic" 1 "Positively chemotropic" 1 "Porometer" 1 "Poliomyelitis" 1 "Plasmagel" 1 "Plasma membrane" 1 "Placenta" 1 "Pituitary gland" 1 "Pituitary bodies" 1 "Photostat" 1 "Photometer" 1 "Perianth" 1 "Pellicle" 1 "Pellagra" 1 "Parasitic" 1 "Paramecium" 1 "Pancreatin" 1 "Palisade layer" 1 "Oxygen is absorbed" 1 "Outer scale leaves" 1 "Oestrogen" 1 "Obligate parasite" 1 "Nitrochalk" 1 "Nematocyst" 1 "Negatively phototropic" 1 "Negatively heliotropic" 1 "Natural mortality" 1 "Name the revolving drum apparatus used to demonstrate how roots and shoots respond to gravity?" 1 "Mutation" 1 "Mushroom" 1 "Mistletoe" 1 "Mistletoe is an example of what kind of organism?" 1 "Millon's reagent" 1 "Migration" 1 "Medulla oblongata" 1 "Maxillea" 1 "Maturing cheese" 1 "Margarine" 1 "Many seeded" 1 "Mandibles" 1 "Mandible" 1 "Liver to Kidney" 1 "Liver to Heart" 1 "Light brown Bicarbonate indicator will absorb Carbon Dioxide and in doing so will change the colour to;" 1 "Leuwenhoek" 1 "Leucocytes" 1 "Leaf suction" 1 "Leaf bases" 1 "Lateral buds" 1 "Klinostat" 1 "Jaundice" 1 "Inner scale leaves" 1 "Incisor teeth are those that are;" 1 "Inbreeding" 1 "Ileum to Liver" 1 "Ileum to Kidney" 1 "How many chromasomes are there in a normal human sperm nucleus?" 1 "How does the Paramecium organism move?" 1 "Horse dung" 1 "Horn and hoof meal" 1 "Holozoic" 1 "Holophytic" 1 "Heat is produced" 1 "Heamoglobin" 1 "Guinea pig" 1 "Gripping prey" 1 "Grinding" 1 "French bean" 1 "Formed by 2 joined Carpels" 1 "Floating in water currents" 1 "Fibrogen" 1 "Fibrocytes" 1 "Fern plant" 1 "Fermenting beer" 1 "Falopian tube" 1 "Facultative parasite" 1 "Eye blinking" 1 "Excess transpiration" 1 "Excess hormone" 1 "Etiolation" 1 "Erythrocytes" 1 "Energy is produced" 1 "Endoplasm" 1 "Egg whites" 1 "Ectoplasm" 1 "Ectoderm" 1 "Earthworm" 1 "Dysentry" 1 "Ductless" 1 "Diffusion" 1 "Diabetes" 1 "Dehiscent" 1 "De vries" 1 "Dandelion" 1 "D.C.P.I.P." 1 "Crushing" 1 "Cowper's gland" 1 "Coughing" 1 "Companion cells" 1 "Coenocyte" 1 "Cod liver oil" 1 "Cockroach" 1 "Ciliary muscle" 1 "Chloroplast" 1 "Cerebral hemisphere" 1 "Cerebral cortex" 1 "Cerebellum" 1 "Centipede" 1 "Cellulose" 1 "Carnassial teeth are adapted for which function?" 1 "Carbon Dioxide is released" 1 "Carbo-hydrates" 1 "Capillaries" 1 "Cane sugar" 1 "Cambial cells" 1 "Calorimeter" 1 "Calcium carbonate" 1 "By putting out pseudopodia" 1 "By muscular contractions" 1 "By beating flagella" 1 "By beating cilia" 1 "Buttercup" 1 "Broad bean" 1 "Bread dough" 1 "Body louse" 1 "Blindness" 1 "Blastula" 1 "Blastocyst" 1 "Beri-beri" 1 "Benedict's solution" 1 "Bean aphid" 1 "Basic slag" 1 "Barometer" 1 "Arterioles" 1 "Arteries" 1 "Antibiotic culture medium" 1 "Amino-acids" 1 "Amino acids" 1 "All tall" 1 "All short" 1 "Air sacs" 1 "Adrenaline" 1 "Active transport" 1 "Accretion" 1 "A parasitic organism is always found to feed on;" 1 "A number of chemicals are carried around in the liquid part of the blood. Which of the following is transported in this way?" 1 "A blood sample was added to anti A-serum and nothing happened. When anti B-serum was added clotting accured. This indicates blood group;" 1 "6 to 9 hours" 1 "3 to 4 days" 1 "3 tall: 1 short" 1 "24 to 36 hours" 1 "12 to 24 hours" 1 "1 tall: 3 short" 1 "1 tall: 1 short" 1 "0 to 3 hours" 1 Y